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The pitter-patter of raindrops hitting a metal roof can be worrying because it seems much louder, especially during heavy rain. This happens because metal is hard, and it doesn’t absorb the sound. It’s not surprising that some people find this noise distracting or unsettling. In this guide, we’ll explore how this affects your metal shed and what you can do to reduce the impact.
The Impact of Rain on Metal Garden Storage

Rain can affect metal sheds in a few ways. First, if the shed isn’t coated for protection, water can cause rust and corrosion over time. Then there’s the rain hitting the metal surface, making that sharp, echoing sound. This can be especially noticeable in heavy rain, as more water hits the roof. The sound can travel through the structure, making it even louder inside the shed, which is why it can feel so distracting.
So, how noisy can a metal garden storage unit be?
It can be quite noisy, but it really depends on the shed’s design and thickness. Thinner metal or sheds with less insulation tend to amplify the sound more when rain hits. In contrast, thicker metal with better insulation might dampen the noise somewhat. Generally, the noise level can vary, but it can be noticeably loud in certain conditions.
For instance, a quality metal shed with built-in insulation will likely be much quieter. The insulation helps absorb the sound of raindrops hitting the surface. Keep in mind, though, that the sound will still be present, but it’ll be less intense and more subdued.
How to Reduce Rain Noise on Metal Sheds
Proper insulation is already given, which can minimise the impact of rain sounds. But there are more techniques that can help you do so, and these are:
One simple DIY trick is to put sound-absorbing materials inside the shed. Foam panels or even rugs work wonders for cutting down on the noise. The foam helps soak up sound waves, so it reduces that echo when rain hits the roof. Rugs or mats on the floor can also help with noise, not just from the rain but also from general sounds. Both are easy to install and can make a difference.
Roof insulation
As mentioned, insulation in the roof can really help dampen the noise of raindrops. If you haven’t already, it’s worth considering adding a layer of insulation inside the roof.
Doing so can, in fact, help minimise both the noise and heat buildup during rainy weather. It also means your metal shed will be cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. It’s a simple yet effective way to make your garden storage quieter and more pleasant to be in all year round.
Maintenance tip: Don’t let the insulation get loose or saggy; otherwise, it won’t absorb sound as effectively. Check it for signs of wear and tear every now and then as part of your upkeep routine, and tighten or replace it if needed.
Gutters and downspouts
If you add gutters and downspouts to your shed, it will help direct the rainwater away from the roof. This stops the rain from pooling or splashing on the metal surface. The building is also protected from water damage in the long run, preventing rust and wear from all that water collecting. It’s a simple fix that can save you a lot of hassle down the line. Don’t let them get clogged or come loose, though!
A metal shed can be quite noisy when it’s raining, but the noise levels really depend on its design and thickness. Adding insulation can help reduce the impact, along with soundproofing, roof insulation, and fitting gutters and downspouts.
Pick a good metal shed and look after it so you can enjoy all its benefits without being bothered by rain noise. Have a look at our insulated garden rooms, and don’t miss out on our offers if you’re in the market for one.
Up next on your reading list: How to Stop a Metal Shed from Rusting